Pubs across Norfolk, Suffolk and Cambridgeshire are now selling 3 new beers in the hope to stop young men needlessly dying of cancer and highlighting the importance of early diagnosis from self-checking.

The beers have been brewed in support of Norfolk based male cancer charity It’s On The Ball which is also celebrating its 10th anniversary this year.

The campaign is supported by over 80 pubs during January and as well as serving the beer the pubs are all displaying key information and advice on why and how men should check themselves.

The campaign is a great way to engage young men in what is a tricky and embarrassing subject, and we find that in the relaxed environment of the pub they are more likely to chat about the topic.

If we can get men checking we know that will save many lives – as early diagnosis is key to successful treatment. So few young men realise this is one of the biggest killers of young men each year.

Although a relatively simple cancer to treat and cure – it is also one of the fastest spreading cancers and so spotting it early is vital – that’s why the campaign emphasises the need for regular self-checking.

The beers names all emphasise the need of self-checking, Get Checking is a light amber pale ale, Keep Checking is a golden ale – a light citrus pale ale, while Time To Check is a modern dark ale.

It’s On The Ball, is a small charity and many of those who are actively involved with it are survivors of this cancer – and are able to not only support and empathise with those newly diagnosed or undergoing treatment, but more importantly spread the word that early diagnosis, by self-checking monthly is key.

Sarah Day, who runs The Chequers, in Binham North Norfolk is one of the pubs delighted to be taking part in the campaign and using it as a theme for events at the pub, as she explains:

“The campaign really does help raise awareness as we get young men asking about the beer and the campaign – so simply sowing the seed in their mind about the cancer is key – they often then want to find out more from the leaflets or from the charity.

“At the Chequers we will be hosting a quiz night and also on 31 January a fun night of Beer, Brains and Balti where customers can enjoy the beer, a curry and take part in some fun Taskmaster challenges – making the event fun does help to reinforce the message.”

“This cancer is particularly prevalent in younger men – aged 18-30 who can be a hard group to connect with as many do not consider cancer can affect them – and so often ignore symptoms of the message.”

A monthly self-check will lead to early diagnosis and significantly increase the chances of survival and indeed the chance to have a full and normal life after treatment, including the ability to have children.

We hope that this year’s campaign will be the biggest ever and we are very grateful that so many pubs are getting behind it.

Both the charity and ourselves are incredibly grateful for the support and helping us spread the message – which quite literally saves lives.

To find out more about this male cancer visit:

Follow and donate to David’ Beer Push Challenge here