This week we are celebrating winning four awards at a prestigious regional cask beer competition – and also regional recognition of Jigfoot too!  A busy week

We won the awards at the Society of Independent Brewers Association (SIBA) which was judging beers from across the eastern region at a competition held at Elgoods brewery, in Wisbech.

We scooped 2 silver medals and two bronze medals in four categories. The silver medals were awarded for Skidaddler (stout and dark beers category) and Cheeky Jack ( pale ales and IPA), while Nibbler won bronze in dark session beers category and Stotart a bronze in the specialty beers category.

To win four awards was a fantastic achievement and shows the quality of our beers across a diverse range of beer styles and categories. The beers were judged against brewers from across 7 counties and to scoop so many awards makes us so proud as a team

In the same week we  also received a regional accolade for our Jigfoot golden ale which won a silver medal in its category of the CAMRA Champion Beer of Britain eastern heat.

The CAMRA recognition was also a great achievement and surprise, we were not aware we were even in the running in the heats so to receive that accolade was a very nice surprise

We focus very much on the quality of our beer and its always nice to know that others appreciate and recognise the efforts we make.

We are always keen to support pubs – and have a range of core beers which are always available, however its important to us to constantly introduce new special beers which can create a great point of interest for the pubs and encourage people to visit knowing that that beer will only ever be available in a pub and not in shops.