We were thrilled that the mad cap idea of the beerpush – aka David pushing a 75kg barrel of beer from Norfolk to London – has been awarded a Highly Commended certification as charity event of the year 2022 by the East Anglian branch of the Chartered Institute of Fundraising ( CIOF).
The beer push set out to achieve 3 things; firstly and most importantly to raise awareness of testicular cancer and prevent needless deaths due to late diagnosis, secondly to raise much needed funds for local cancer charity It’s on the Ball to continue their excellent work, and the thirdly to have a few laughs and smiles along the way.
In our view all three objectives were achieved in good measure. Plenty of awareness and coverage, over £21,500 raised and laughs a plenty – OK, and there were a few tears!
However, the unexpected recognition from the CIOF was a wonderful surprise. After all, we do what we do for our own reasons, but for others to recognise that as something worthy of praise is very touching.
Beer push was a bit of a mad cap idea – after all 75kg is a lot of weight and 147 miles is a long way – not to mention all of the hills and wrong turns! But in this day and age getting your voice heard needs something a bit different, something which gets attention and makes people ask – what the heck is that crazy bloke doing? Once they ask the question you have a chance of getting the message over.
Our message was – and continues to be straightforward – testicular cancer kills men, especially young men, and a monthly self-check could well save your life.
This award shows we caught they eye and spread the message, but it wasn’t just David pushing the barrel, or Vince as his van driving wing man, or Anne’s superb morale boosting and catering support – it was everybody who joined in the walk, however short the distance, those who stopped to chat, those social media likes and shares and of course those who donated.
It was a team effort and one of which we are all immensely proud.
So, what to the future? Well David is really missing his evening training walks with Gerald the blue beer barrel , and young men are still dying of testicular cancer. So, we guess that there is a need for #beerpush2023.
Watch this space, but more than that if you would like to join in do please get in touch with David via moongazerale.
Also check out why the work of Its On The Ball is so important and how it could save your life or that of some one you know….do it now 😊
DONATE – we are keeping the beer push donation page open for a little while longer so please donate if you can.