#beerpush is back on and I am delighted to announce new dates for 2022 – 31 March – 9 April
I am remaining training but with social distancing guidelines likely to be around in some shape or form for 2021 it seemed sensible to wait a little while longer. After all, so much of the fun of the event was going to be based around meeting groups and in pubs to raise awareness and spread the word. The route and planning is all done – thanks to the great efforts of Vince from It’s On The Ball.
I thought I would share it with you below as it may well be that you want to offer help or join in when we get going again. It will be fun.
The route take us 143 miles between Hindringham and St Barts, in London – check out the route day by day and find out more:
We are also delighted that thanks to our local MP – Duncan Baker and his team the push will now end up in the Strangers Bar in the Houses of Parliament where we will be able to enjoy a pint of the ale. An honour indeed.
Also, Its On the Ball charity have, like so many, seen donations drop in 2020 with the lack of events and so if you can spare just a £2 donation – one for each ball that would really help and really be appreciated, donate here