Get the taste of our can line up:
Hazy Hare: 4.5% abv
Hail the haze, created with the addition of oats, which imparts a smoothness and chewy mouthfeel.
Heritage malt Plumage Archer adds biscuit notes matched with a modern British hop to give a tropical hint of pineapple, passion fruit and peach. A complex yet quaffable Norfolk session pale ale.
Skiddadler: 4.5% abv
A dark milk stout with a thick tan head, full-body and smooth mouthfeel. It boasts a warm biscuit and bready flavour and finishes with a touch of bittersweet chocolate.
Pondhopper: 4.5% abv
A golden fruit explosion and a true taste of transatlantic Norfolkness. A collaboration between Moon Gazer, Norfolk UK and Smartmouth Brewing Norfolk, USA.