You can donate to Beer Push 2023 – donate here

Team Moon Gazer is well chuffed that our charity efforts have seen us named a finalist in the prestigious Society of Independent Brewers (SIBA) Business Awards 2023 for Community Engagement following our efforts in supporting local cancer charity – It’s On The Ball.

We received the accolade specifically for our efforts in raising awareness of testicular cancer and preventing young men needlessly dying in Norfolk and beyond, raising £22,000 in the process.

The efforts last year included a mammoth effort of Mr Moon Gazer – David – pushing a barrel of Moon Gazer ale weighing 75kg over 140 miles to St Barts Hospital, in London.

The SIBA Business Awards recognize such excellence across the independent brewing industry, celebrating the achievements of independent brewers, pubs, bars, and retailers across the UK. The awards are highly regarded within the industry and attract entries from across the country.

To be recognised for this award is an immensely proud moment for the team. Our plan was simple, that the crazy sight of David walking across country in a bright yellow top with a bright blue barrel would spark the interest in people.

The challenge, particularly with the age group 18-24 is that they see cancer as an old person’s disease and they don’t see that they are likely to be a victim.

Engaging young men in conversation allowed us to explain this and to encourage monthly self-checking.

Our efforts highlighted that 98% of men can survive this cancer – and lead a normal life including having children. However, the key is an early diagnose in time – hence the importance of checking yourself monthly. Do that and the chances of survival are all but guaranteed. Ignore it for just a few weeks and men could literally be signing their own death certificate.

The Beer Push travelled through the counties of Norfolk, Suffolk and Essex arriving in central London after 9 gruelling days. However, the community engagement  – particularly in pubs carried on all along the route.

A number of pubs on the route hosted the Beer Push, events included one pub hosting a Beer, Balti, and Brains evening which saw people enjoy a ball-based quiz and raised over £700 while another quiz raised £850, and an unplanned pop into a pub saw the locals donate £250!

Pubs who were not on the route but wanted to help were able to do so by serving a special Beer Push brew with over 30 pubs serving the beer during the 9-day challenge.

You can donate to Beer Push 2023 – donate here

Find out more about the work of It’s On The Ball and testicular cancer here

And now there’s Beer Push 2023

What struck David most about the Beer Push was that of those who came to support him who knew of the disease – they were usually people who had been impacted by it or lost a loved one.

This highlighted the need to do more – so as long as young men keep needlessly dying – Moon Gazer ale will do their  bit raising awareness. Beer Push 2023 will see the barrel come out again as David attempts to complete pushing the 75kg 7 marathons in 7 days – with 7 pubs hosting events each evening.

What Beer Push achieved

  • Over £22,000 raised.
  • Extensive media coverage and consumer awareness
  • Engagement from over 30 pubs
  • Creation of a special beer
  • Promotion of a much-overlooked cancer
  • Promoting the community benefit of pubs
  • Using beer as a power for good.
  • Highlighting the work and challenges faced by the NHS – in particular oncology teams

Do please get involved if you can.