Ever since the flotilla of boats bringing beer from Rouen arrived Monty Pythonesque down the river to the Waterfront we liked to think we breathed some new life and energy into the City of Ale. The festival had been a great success since 2011, indeed it was Britain’s original beer week but as with everything in life you need evolution, to change, to appeal to an ever wider audience whilst sticking to what your core appeal is.
The arrival of the French certainly did that and created a buzz which we would keep going for the next few years as our involvement as a City of Ale organiser grew.
This year we were thrilled to be part of the beer twinning of Norwich with Leuven and it has culminated in the biggest City of Ale ever . Chatting to pubs the interest is certainly out there and the beer lovers of cask, keg and can are out in good numbers. They are discovering new beers, new brewers and also the wonderful pubs and the city of Norwich.
However, this is our last involvement as a City of Ale organiser. As I said at the beginning we need to evolve and constantly have new ideas and energy. As I stared out at the crowd during my speech at this week’s launch party I was thrilled to see so many young faces as part of this industry – staring up at a 58 year old! It made me realise that the future is bright and it was time to let this generation pop their own stamp on the festival and take it on to the next level.
Obviously Moon Gazer beers will feature heavily at future festivals – you’d expect nothing less.
Phil will be announcing the new team for 2024 in due course.
As for Moon Gazer we will use the time freed up to continue with our Leuven twinning and so many great ideas we have in the pipeline to again bring vibrancy and excitement to the Norfolk pub and brewing scene. Were excited at what our next chapter holds for us, so look out! Oh, and yes we do hope to bring the French back soon
Watch this space Mr Moon Gazer now has a lot more time for more beer adventures…